Frequently Asked Questions

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Q:How to Secure Storage

Density Robotics from the intelligent warehouse of all-round protection of storage security:

Product, Density Robotics operation of the equipment all modular design, easy to upgrade and maintain the equipment, to prevent damage to the goods due to equipment problems;

On equipment, Density Robotics arranges safety and fire-fighting equipment, and provides a full set of protection measures from charging the shuttle to detecting equipment anomalies;

Operationally, Density Robotics has designed safety grills on the shelves to facilitate the work of maintenance workers, and has set up protective nets and safety baffles on the elevators and shelves to protect operators from the potential dangers of falling foreign objects and equipment rushing out of the shelves.

Q:How to deliver fast

· Fast project delivery can provide customers with timely project production.

· 3D simulation, measuring the best solution in advance, reducing solution measurement time

· Professional delivery team, exclusive on-site management, efficient deployment

· Standard shelves, adapt to a variety of project scenarios, high installation efficiency

· Intelligent four-way shuttle, ready to use out of the box, less commissioning time

Q:How to do it at low cost

Density Robotics starts with the cost of building an intelligent warehouse and the cost of utilizing it after it is built, to reduce costs and increase efficiency for our customers.

The same cargo space, the integrated cost of the three-dimensional warehouse is the lowest.

· Four-way shuttles, elevators and racks are all modularized, which reduces the cost of collective procurement and low post-maintenance.

   Efficient product upgrading

· RFID navigation, saving the cost of regular cleaning of shelves.

· Expansion of the three-dimensional warehouse does not affect production, and shelves can be reused

Q:What is high density

In the limited unit area, the full use of warehouse space can provide customers with more cargo space.

· Intelligent stand-up storage, compared with AMR storage program 2-5 times more cargo space

· Limit 118mm body, compared with the stand-up storage program, more than one layer of cargo space

· Goods space partition, high-level storage space compared to the lower level of the shipment space more than ½

Q:Who is Shanghai Density Intelligent Technology Corporation

Shanghai Density Intelligent Technology Corporation was founded by Sun Yu, the original initiator of Shanghai Express Warehouse project and the domestic AMR product and market icebreaker leader, is a logistics technology company committed to become an internationally competitive enterprise.

With the goal of being the leader in high-density intelligent warehousing, Guiwei Intelligence integrates advanced sensing technology, positioning technology, control technology, and decision algorithms into warehousing and logistics scenarios to enhance customers' storage and management values and help the global logistics industry build efficient logistics factories.

At present, Guideland Intelligence has three supporting service bodies: Shanghai R&D Center (Minhang Qibao), Shanghai Industrial Research Center (Songjiang Xiaokunshan) and Nanchang Metal Processing Center (Nanchang High-tech Zone), providing solutions for industries such as auto parts, including the world's top 500 companies.

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